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 | By Jim Berlucchi

How Can I Keep God in My Workday?

I really want to be more mindful of God throughout my workday, but it’s a challenge. Any recommendations?

It is a challenge, indeed. Work, like prayer, demands concentration. It’s filled with deadlines, tasks to be completed, frequent distractions and no short supply of aggravations.

The people I know who maintain presence of God at work seem to have developed these habits to sanctify their work days:

1. They start the day with a set time and place to pray. They offer up their schedule, meetings and tasks to God, visualizing in advance with the Holy Spirit and asking for his inspiration. The Angelus is a noontime favorite as well, or the Examen prayer.

2. They make use of tasteful, and often discreet physical reminders – a rosary or small crucifix in pocket, or a necklace with a cross. Some have modest religious images in their immediate work area or on their desktop if it’s allowed by their employer. Others place an image on equipment they’re using.

3. They try to exercise Christian and human virtues – patience with difficult customers, a kind remark to a co-worker, not giving up on a difficult task, deciding not to complain, being humble rather than proud or pushy. They keep a sense of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously.

4. They put forth their best effort. They have high standards of professionalism. They take good care of their tools and equipment. They show up on time and work diligently throughout the day.

5. They make a conscious effort to love the people they meet and work with. They pray for them. They’re cheerful and considerate. They offer to help and are willing to sacrifice for the greater good. They know how to apologize. They don’t gossip. They’re aware that every soul has a guardian angel – not visible to the human eye but glorious in splendor and ever-present.

This is a long list, but any small step is a good step. “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” (Jas 4:8)